16 April 2013

I'm back...

Although I'm no longer on the boat -- unfortunately she's still rotting away in a marina in Baytown -- I hope no one minds if I continue to write about my adventures.  I really missed it.

I'm currently living and working in Newport Beach, California, having moved to Huntington Beach back in September and over to Newport Beach a couple months ago.  Now, I'm close enough to walk to work, though I don't often do so.  I never liked driving that much.

I lived in San Diego for a couple years over a decade ago, but Orange County is really different.  A friend from LA likes to talk about the orange curtain -- evidently it's pretty conservative here.  However, I've been so busy working and getting settled that I haven't really noticed, but it does seem to pop up from time to time in conversations.  

Hopefully I'll be able to provide some entertaining examples, but for now, I'd just like to reopen the blog and say hi to anyone who might still be following -- don't you have anything better to do?  I'm also going to make a concerted effort to add more photos.

Oh, and for those of you who know, or care, I broke down and bought a flat screen tv last weekend, and even got cable -- want to be able to stay home and catch a baseball game now and again without having to go to a bar.  It's actually only the second tv I've ever bought.  The other being a small set I got in France to help me learn french.  At least I won't have to pay a tv tax here in California.

Finally, I live alone in a 2 bedroom townhouse about a mile from the beach, so come out for a visit, you're all welcome...  
