08 October 2010


I'm going to roll another coat of primer later today. I'd hoped to do it yesterday or even the day before, but sanding took a little longer than expected. I finished sanding yesterday afternoon, but decided to go ahead and sand the cockpit too so I could prime it all at the same time. We're supposed to have several days of good weather, so I hope to I'll be able to start remounting hardware next week.

I'm really not sure how far I'll get, but I'm running out of time, so I'm going to ask them to put me in the water either the last week of this month or the first week of November. They're already pulling boats, so I'm not sure exactly when they'll get to me, but hopefully it won't be a problem. I'll blog the date as soon as I know. Normally, they'll only commit to the week, so I still won't know the actual day until a day or so before.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll have time to get much of the non-skid on, but will try to at least put some down around the mast and to and from the cockpit. I'm not going to go too far offshore without non-skid, so the trip will take a bit longer, mainly because I'll only be able to travel during the day, but also because the route is a lot longer. Once I get to warmer water, I'll try to do a bit more painting and try to finish up the non-skid. With any luck, I'll have most of it done by the time I get to the Gulf.

I'll post a preliminary float plan as soon as I get a chance. All my charts are packed away in a locker right now, so I'll have to break them out first, but I'm tentatively planning to sail through New York City down the East River, then down the New Jersey Coast and into the Delaware River. From there, I can get to the Chesapeake via a canal, and sail in relatively protected waters all the way down to Norfolk, Virginia. I should be able to pick up the inter-coastal from there and stay in it most of the way down to Florida, but since I've never done it, I don't know any of the details right now.

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