27 November 2010

Super Glue

I ended up using super glue to temporarily fix Zoe's toenail. It's better, but I still think I need a more permanent solution. I wanted to get clear nail polish and use that to build it up -- sorta like epoxy -- but couldn't find any at the little store across the street. I'll walk down to the super market later today and pick up some. CVS is across the street, so I'll drop by there also. I think I'll get some dramamine too, just in case.

Boat watch:

I got the winches mounted yesterday after it stopped raining, but when I tried to route the main halyard, I realized that I had a few problems. First, since I switched from wire to rope, I can't use the wire halyard winch on the mast -- I finally took it off yesterday -- and need to route it back to a winch on the coach roof in the cockpit. The previous owner had mounted one on the starboard side, which is the side the main halyard comes down, but that's not a good hard spot on the deck, so I removed it -- I'll just use the new one on the port side with a set of clutches.

The problem is that I need to route the halyard around the mast over 180 degrees, from the starboard side to the port side, and to a deck organizer about half way between the mast and the winch. I have a couple eyes mounted on the deck just abaft the mast on each side where I can mount blocks, but they aren't enough to keep the halyard from rubbing on other stuff on the mast which will eventually chafe through.

I'm thinking of adding a check block to the lower mast to help turn it to the block on the deck, but will need to play with it a bit to make sure it'll work. However, that's not the only problem. I also noticed that the radar reflector I added high on the mast will also cause a lot of chafe to the halyard -- it rubs directly against the aluminum mounting bracket. That means I need to go up the mast and add some sort of anti chafing.

I'm planning to use some old hose to pad the edges and wrap the whole thing with line, which is a good idea in any case. I just need to figure out how to get up there by myself, i.e., without someone on deck to winch me up -- it's about 30' above the deck. I'll need to be able to do that when I'm out at sea anyway, so again, it's a good thing, but I think I'll wait till the wind dies down a bit. It's really blowing again this morning.

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