26 December 2010

Heavy Snowfall

Though it's not quite whiteout conditions, it's close enough for me. It's blowing sideways and the visibility is down to a few hundred yards, if that. Not bad enough to get lost, but I wouldn't want to be out sailing in it, or driving for that matter.

I've been working on my SSB and went on deck a few minutes ago to stretch out the halyard antenna I'd planned to use, which is now my emergency antenna -- the mast is down, so I can't use the backstay. I figured I'd only be out for about a minute, so I didn't put on a coat or gloves. I got it strung, but need to go back out and adjust it. It was just too nasty and cold to stay out for too long, and boy, are my decks slick. An inch of snow makes them slipperier than an ice skating rink. The wind's blowing pretty good, and directly into the companionway too.

I was on the starboard side that doesn't have the canvas. Hopefully the canvas will help when I take Zoe for a walk on the other side. I think I'll go out and sweep it and stairs before I take her out. I have to carry her down, so I don't want to slip. That's why I rigged the lifeline and stairs yesterday. I'm not sure how much it will really help, but it makes you feel better having it there.

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