05 August 2011

Cleaning Day

I finished installing the new batteries and regulator yesterday. Everything went well except for a few sparks and a stripped lug on the starter solenoid. I had to use a die to clean up the threads, but I can't tighten it too much or it'll strip again.

I moved all the other connectors to the alternator so I could get to better threads, but still don't trust it. It works for now, so I'll just have to wait and see. If it won't hold, I'll try to turn it down from 5/16 to 1/4 and re-thread it.

I still need to work on the the battery mounts, clean up wiring, and wire tie everything, but at least everything's working correctly. I also need to permanently mount the solar panel regulator and route it's cable.

However, I think I'll spend most of the day just cleaning up the boat and reorganizing my tools and provisions. During large, multi-day projects, like the one I just completed, everything seems to get turned upside down as I search for buried tools or parts.

Anchorage watch:

Now that I've got dependable auxiliary power, I plan to move to a better anchorage this afternoon. I'll still be in Oyster Bay, but instead of being on the edge of the large open section, where all the speed boats like to race around, I'll be closer to the mooring fields in a narrower section. Hopefully there will be less traffic, or at least slower.

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