I've actually gotten a lot done while we've been here, including re-tuning the rig, replacing the alternator belt, cleaning the fuel filter bowl, wiring up a new bilge pump, remounting the radar reflector, cleaning the prop and bottom, and climbing the mast to add a block and halyard for the topping lift. I still need to do about half a dozen things before we leave, but at least all the hard stuff's out of the way.
Departure watch:
It looks like the high coming across the southern US should get here around Friday night, so we're planning to leave Saturday morning. We'll head down the coast and either go in at Cape May Sunday or continue down to Norfolk -- just depends on how things go. In fact, if things continue to go well and the weather holds, we might not pull into Norfolk either. It's good to have options -- it's a boat, so you need to be flexible. (hope that doesn't mean coming back here, but you never know)
As always, you can keep track of me here:
I try to update my position daily when underway,
Zoe watch:
She's doing great, but seems to be getting a little restless. I think I'll take her ashore tomorrow for some exercise. There's a sandy beach a few hundred yards away, so that should work out well, assuming the weather holds. It's a little too cold to swim, though I did go in for about 30 minutes the other day to inspect the bottom and clean it and the prop. I might go in again and get her nice and clean before we leave -- I just knocked all barnacles off the prop and big stuff off the keel.
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