I'm not sure what's going on with the alternator, but it doesn't seem to put out as much voltage as before. This could be a loose belt, or something worse, but I plan to break out the manual and call the manufacturer before I get too concerned. I might just need to work on the mounting brackets again so I can tighten the belt. Unfortunately, it isn't easy to get to all my tools, which is why I want to reorganize the cabin first. That's also been one of the problems with fixing the broken bolt.
I got a good start the over the last few days and reorganized much of the forecastle. At least I can find stuff now, but I still need to organize all my fasteners and put them in the plastic jars I've saved -- peanut butter has really come in handy. However, the biggest problem I've had is getting to my tools. I foolishly buried a lot of them in the lockers under the port side cushions behind the table. With limited space, I end up stacking lots of big stuff -- dog food, guitar case, etc. -- on top of those cushions, so I have to move everything to get to them. And that includes the cushions themselves.
So, I've decided to put all the paint and other stuff that I hardly ever need under there, and move the tools over to the starboard side. Hopefully, once that's done, it'll be a little easier to tackle the rest of the maintenance problems.
We had a lot of wind yesterday, gusts up to 35 knots, so I didn't do much more that read and follow the Knicks game. I'm not really a basketball fan, but Lin's story is a really good one, and I'm glad he's doing well. I also enjoyed Jon Stewart's video, but didn't think the SNL bit was very funny.
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