26 June 2011

Launch Party

The launch party was great. If the actual launch later this week is even half as successful, I'll be very happy. A couple of my buddies from Huntington, Kieran and Joe, came down, as well as a few friends I've made here. I had a great time, and I think everyone else did too.

My friend Robyn even played for us -- she's a professional musician who's toured with lots of major acts and lives here on City Island.

Transmission watch:

I'm actually trying to put it together right now. But at this point, I don't even care if it works, I just want to get in the water. Luckily, my improvements to the drains and moving the water lift should mean that I can pull it while I'm in the water if necessary.

In any case, it's in much better shape, so if I do need to work on it in the future, it'll be much easier -- I got rid of all the rusted bolts, etc...

Zoe watch:

She's still the best dog ever, and I think she really enjoyed the party, especially seeing my Huntington friends -- she really likes Joe...

I gave her a bath in the morning before the party, but she more or less forgave me by the time the it started. She looked really good too, even with the haircut.

Party watch:

Kieran took some photos, so I'll post them once he sends them to me. (although I worked for a couple congressmen during my salad days, none were invited to the party, so don't expect any of those sorts of photos, even though I'm currently in New York City.)

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