30 June 2011

New Launch Date

I'd hoped to launch this week, and actually asked them to put me in today, but they told me they won't be able to get to me until next week. A few days doesn't matter much to me, so I don't mind. It'll also give me more time to do a few more things and take the time to do them right.

Transmission watch:

She's in and seems to work fine -- however the ultimate test won't come till she's in the water. I still need to realign the engine, but Jordan promised to drop by later this morning to give me a hand. I'm not sure if he's ever done this before either, but it always helps to have another person around, especially when you're trying the wrestle a 300 pound gorilla (engine).

Rigging watch:

I finished making up all the new stays and shrouds, cleaned up an painted the masthead sheaves, and replaced a missing bolt, but still need to connect the wires, reinstall the sheaves, and put the furler back together. I also need to clean up and attach the the turnbuckles. That may sound like a lot, but It's basically an afternoon, or less.

Drain watch:

The drains are still the big unknown. I have all the parts, and will reinstall the seacocks today, but installing the new, larger, cockpit drains will require some cutting, grinding, and glass work. It's tough to say how long that'll take until I start, though I'm hoping to get to it today or tomorrow. It should be easier on land, but the drains are only necessary to drain the cockpit, and that's only an issue when it rains or you're taking water over the gunnels. So, I've got some time yet before it's an issue.

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