22 September 2011

Float Plan

It's about time to start planning the trip south for mid-October, and I just noticed the next full moon will be on the 11th, and rise just before sunset -- perfect. Therefore, depending on weather, I'll plan to leave the week of the 10th.

Tides are also favorable if I decide to go through New York City and down the New Jersey Coast. It's an easy overnight from Sandy Hook to Cape May, and another night all the way to Norfolk. That's the original route I'd planned to take last December.

I haven't decided on a route yet, but I'll plan that trip as well as the off-shore route via Bermuda, with and without a stop. I don't really want to motor down the ICW, but it might make sense to take short trips as far down as Norfolk before going too far off-shore. The weather will be much nicer a little farther south and also give me a chance to anchor somewhere and work on the boat if necessary.

1 comment:

  1. Don, I love the posts. Please keep them coming. You're living the life and I'm living mine through you vicariously...hihi.

    Also, I have family all up and down the east coast: Old Orchard Beach, ME; Rochester, MA; Asbury Park, NJ; New Bern, NC; Virginia Beach, VA; and of course I'm near Jacksonville. We all have boats or access to boats, so if you need anything on your trip south let me know and we'd be glad to help out. We newbie MMSN NCS need to stick together.

    Give my best to Zoe.


    Joe Bassett - W1WCN

