16 December 2010

Time to Go

I guess I could have titled this GTT (gone to Texas), but I already used it earlier this summer when it became clear I couldn't finish everything necessary for a safe ocean passage before I left. But in any case, today's the day.

It looks like the weather should be cold but mild through Saturday. That'll give me plenty of time to make it to Cape May. At that point I'll need to decide whether or not I anchor there or continue up Delaware Bay and into the Chesapeake via the C&D Canal. Again, it all depends on the weather, but at least I'll be getting a little closer to the goal -- warmer weather.

Actually, that's really all I'm looking for. Aurora's my home, so it doesn't much matter where I am, as long as I'm on board and not freezing. We'll take a walk shortly and then I'll start getting everything ready to go.

I still need to get water and diesel, but I spoke to Jimmy yesterday, and he said he can help me out with both right here at the dock. I hope to leave by around 1100 so I can make the USMMA before dark. I've never been there, so I don't want to miss it. They have a breakwater, so I'll be nice and cozy inside while I wait for high tide tomorrow morning. I plan to go through Hell Gate at around 0641 per the tide tables.

Not sure when my next post will be, but if I get a chance I'll update this evening. You should be able to follow me via AIS sometime after 1100, however, I may disappear from time to time due to the low power of my emission. Since I won't be able to track it myself, it would be great if someone could tell me how well it's working.

So it's time to say goodbye to New York, or in the Aggie vernacular, AMF to NYC.

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