12 November 2011

Staying Put

It looks like we'll be staying put for a while. We want to go south, but with the winds out of the south for the next few days, we'd have to motor most of the way. However, the forecast calls for 3' waves and there's a small craft advisory (SCA) through Sunday night.

I looked at the forecast this morning, and although there was a SCA in effect, the 3' waves didn't look too bad, at least on paper, so I figured we give it a whirl. Once we got out beyond the lee of Curtis Point and started taking those 3' waves, I understood the reason for the SCA. Since the wind was against the current (that was in the small print) those 3' waves were more like 4-5', with a very short period. It was more like hitting someone's wake, over and over.

We took a few pretty good ones, and I decided it would be better to wait a few more days. Other than the thought of loosing the engine again, they didn't bother me, or the boat which can take a lot more than I can, but poor Zoe can't see what's coming and gets thrown around down below.

It looks like early next week should be good, so we'll sit here until at least Monday morning. Once we get to Norfolk, which is about 3 days away, the weather won't be that much of an issue. It's just getting there that's the problem.

I still have plenty of things I need to do on the boat, as well as catching up on sleep, so a short delay isn't a big deal. It's relatively cold right now too, so the warmer weather next week will make the sailing much more enjoyable. It was 36 in the cabin when we got up this morning.

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